Rhinoplasty: Tips On Finding The Right Surgeon

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nasal job, is basically a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure meant for changing and reconstructing the nasal bridge. There are two forms of rhinoplasty used for aesthetic reasons reconstructive rhinoplasty which gives the nasal tip its normal appearance and cosmetic rhinoplasty which change the whole look of the nasal bridge. Some rhinoplasty procedures require a long period of recovery, while some are quick-and-easy. If you have undergone a rhinoplasty procedure, you may have to adapt certain ways to your life for a few months but ultimately you will feel better. Here are some tips on how you can recover from rhinoplasty surgery. Learn more about Dr William Portuese, a facial plastic surgeon in Seattle Washington.

Asking for a second opinion. A lot of patients who have had rhinoplasty done are often recommended to get a second opinion or get another surgeon to review and possibly to perform the operation again. Most plastic surgeons consider it alright to second opinion or a second opinion if it’s conducted by another board-certified surgeon. But in some cases, like in a complex case, it’s better to get a third opinion. So, if you’re unhappy with the results of your first surgery, or if something has gone wrong during your previous rhinoplasty procedure, see if you can find another surgeon to perform your operation.

Taking note of the aesthetic results. It’s important to point out the aesthetic results of your rhinoplasty. It’s usually the surgeon’s responsibility to explain the technical aspects of the procedure to you, the patient, before the surgery is performed. In this way, you’ll be able to evaluate how well the aesthetic results compare to your expectations. Be sure to take notes and keep the surgeon’s PowerPoint on hand so you’ll be able to compare the results with what you were expecting.

Talking with friends or colleagues. One of the best ways to find the right rhinoplasty surgeon is by talking with other plastic surgeons. Find someone who knows your goals and desires for the surgery, and ask him or her which surgeons they recommend. Contact Dr William Portuese | Seattle WA for more information at 206-624-6200. The surgeon’s list of potential candidates should include people who are close to you, and it should also include surgeons who specialize in the type of cosmetic surgery you want.

Being in good health. This is, of course, the most crucial thing you can do to ensure that your rhinoplasty surgeon finds you a great match. Your recovery room will be the ideal place for you to recover from the surgery, and you’ll have to follow the doctor’s orders and stay away from physical activity until the stitches are removed and the skin heals. Your nose may be swollen, but the healing process should take plenty of time.

Ultimately, choosing the right rhinoplasty surgeon is about matching a great personality with an appropriate surgical procedure. You want to be pleased with the results. After all, this is about enhancing your appearance. Your surgeon should understand what it is that you want done and give you honest recommendations. If all else fails, see if you can find a qualified cosmetic surgeon by asking your friends or family, or by checking online.

Dr William Portuese
1101 Madison St #1280
Seattle, WA, 98104 USA
