Liposuction – What To Expect At Metroplex Lipo Treatment Center

Liposuction Atlanta GA is a well-liked procedure that reshapes and removes excess fat deposits from the body. The procedure is often done for cosmetic purposes, to remove stubborn flab, or to decrease body weight for health-related reasons. Liposuction is a delicate procedure; one that can be easily damaged if undertaken incorrectly. Therefore, before deciding on liposuction Atlanta GA, it is imperative that you are well informed of what it is, how it works, and the possible side effects associated with this procedure. Failure to do so can result in further damage, or even death. For more information about Atlanta Plastic Surgeon Dr R Morgan Davoudi and the Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Atlanta GA call (770) 817-9999.

Liposuction is the insertion of a suction tube underneath the skin to remove excess fat. It works by injecting a chemical into the affected area, which causes cells to proliferate. This causes the region to swell, as well as produce the necessary fluid for the removal of fat deposits. Once this procedure has been completed, the skin will be sore and may be swollen for several days. In some cases, patients may experience minor swelling, but this is normal and should go away in a few weeks.

If you decide to undergo liposuction Atlanta, be prepared for the long recovery process. You may be given medication to help control pain and swelling. It is recommended that you use a cold compress whenever possible to minimize damage to the tissue. Be sure to ask your doctor about possible follow-up procedures, as well as advice on how to care for yourself post-procedure.

The procedure itself is relatively simple. Usually, you’ll be given local anesthesia and plastic strips will be using to secure the tissue during the procedure. Some liposuction procedures may require an incision; others may not. In most cases, the entire procedure can be completed in less than one hour. Afterward, your doctor will advise you on how to care for yourself and where to get any necessary medical care. Typically, you will be released to home the same day as surgery. Talk to Atlanta Plastic Surgeon Dr R Morgan Davoudi at the Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today.

Your liposuction procedure in Atlanta may result in a tumescent area. This is a procedure where the fat dissolves without the aid of fluids. This means that there are no drugs, anesthesia, or fluids involved. However, some liposuction procedures may still require some type of medications in order to remove fat from the body. In addition, liposuction tends to leave a scar. A small plastic tube may be placed into the incision to drain off the excess fluid, which may cause some discomfort.

Liposuction is a popular procedure in America today. If you wish to get rid of that extra fat, consider having your liposuction procedure done at the Metroplex. Liposuction is safe and effective, however it may be costly depending on the area where you have your procedure done.

Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
258 Pharr Rd NE #4
Atlanta, GA 30305
(770) 817-9999
