Given the stigma around mental health, deciding to seek therapy can be difficult. Online therapy, on the other hand, has made the process a lot easier. Therapy can now be practiced in the comfort of your own home or office thanks to technological advancements.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought its own set of challenges. From social distancing to financial fragility, it has been overwhelming. During this period, mental health issues became more prevalent, as many people felt the symptoms of anxiety and depression. In-person therapy sessions were disrupted by lockdowns, so therapists temporarily switched to online therapy. It contributed to overcoming the damage caused by the outbreak. 

Online therapy is rising in popularity but people still have several doubts about it. If you are also unsure, here’s everything you need to know to make the right decision.

What is online therapy?

Online therapy, also known as teletherapy, e-therapy, or online counseling, includes any mental health services provided through an online medium. Therapy sessions can be conducted via text messaging, video conferencing, phone calls, or emails. They are generally accessed through a laptop or a desktop computer but mobile apps are also becoming more popular.

How effective is online therapy?

Online therapy is a great alternative to traditional therapy. Several pieces of research are still being undertaken, but it is confirmed that online therapy is just as effective as traditional therapy. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Psychological Disorders, online cognitive therapy is equally effective and acceptable as in-person therapy.

With licensed mental health professionals, you get the same treatment as you would from face-to-face therapy. Numerous people have already benefited from online counseling and many are still healing. Whether it is in-person or online therapy, the results depend on the connection between you and your therapist. If you have chosen the right therapist, you will soon notice positive changes in your life.

How much does online therapy cost?

Online therapy is both affordable and cost-effective. It is considered to be cheaper than traditional therapy, as it saves you the extra money spent on commuting. Online therapists charge differently around the world. The prices are mainly determined by your location. Private therapists and third-party websites vary in fees. 

In many parts of the U.S., insurance companies are required to cover online counseling, which accommodates the cost further. Along with private counselors, there are third-party virtual counseling services that provide monthly and yearly subscriptions, as well as discounts. Although some websites offer free peer support through qualified volunteers, it is better to get professional help from a licensed psychologist.

What mental health disorders does online therapy treat?

E-therapy is accessible to anybody with a good internet connection and a mobile phone. It treats many common mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders, eating disorders, addictions, depression, obsessions, anger management, phobias, etc. 

If you feel stressed due to your day-to-day life or are going through a difficult time, online therapy can help you. However, if you have a complex condition that requires intensive care, you should consider in-person therapy.

How to get started?

Taking the first step can be confusing and tough, but the internet is full of resources that can assist you. You have to pick between a private therapist and online counseling websites. Editors at have compiled an article, which includes highly qualified psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors. You can compare the costs, qualifications, and benefits offered by these websites and choose the one that best suits your needs.

You should do your own research, take advice from individuals who are already taking online therapy before deciding for yourself. Get started today!
