Is electric the best form of home heating?

electric heating

With the rise of renewable energy technologies, the dilemma over what home heating system to install has become more difficult than ever for UK homeowners.

You can now heat your home using sustainable technologies such as air source heat pumps and the dominance of gas heating may be coming to an end, but despite all the innovation which has taken place, is electric heating actually the best solution?

Electric has often been considered as an expensive and inefficient form of home heating in comparison to the much more commonplace gas central heating, and indeed under 10% of UK homes currently rely on an electric system.

This has all changed in recent years however, and electric heating is now the most energy efficient, future proof, interactive form of home heating available.

This guild will tell you all you need to know about electric heating systems and why you need to consider installing one in your home.

What is Electric Heating?

Whilst traditional radiators work by running hot water through a pipe system and conducting heat into your home from the pipes themselves.

Electric radiators on the other hand, work by conducting heat through electricity heating up elements inside the radiators in a similar way to the inside of a kettle or an electric cooker hob.

Although it is possible to purchase electric radiators that you simply plug into any socket without a boiler, you will need one to provide hot water to your home. Similar to any gas boiler, electric boilers will heat water internally before sending it into a shower or kitchen sink.

Although they both do the same job, electric boilers are much cheaper and easier to install than their gas counterparts and don’t require anywhere near the same ongoing maintenance.

What are the benefits of electric heating?

There are many reasons that choosing an electric heating system is beneficial.

Just some of the most important of these include:

Electric heating Glasgow is the most efficient heating system

Unlike traditional gas or oil boilers, electric heating systems are 100% efficient, meaning that for every kWh of electricity they consume they produce 1 unit of heat.

 In comparison, even the most efficient new gas boiler, with fully insulated pipes, will only achieve around 95% efficiency and many older systems fall below 90%. This is due to heat being lost during the transfer of water through the pipes in your home.

As there are no pipes involved in electric radiators and they convert heat directly from electricity themselves this is not an issue with electric heating. Therefore, installing such as system is the only way to guarantee maximum efficiency in your home.

Electric heating is fully customisable

Modern electric radiators, such as the German radiators installed by Greener Energy Group, all come with their own in-built thermostat and can be controlled individually.

With electric heating, the term ‘central heating’ no longer applies, and you will be able to choose the exact temperature you want in different zones of your house at any time during the day.

Smart technology also means you can control each radiator’s settings using a smartphone app so if you are out and about you can ensure your living room is toasty warm for when you get home.

Electric heating is future-proof

The current climate crisis is at the forefront of everyone’s minds and making environmentally conscious decisions is very important to homeowners.

Currently, only 40% of mains electricity produces carbon emissions, which is a big improvement on the 100% from fossil fuel burning heating systems. As the Government looks to meet its pledge of reducing emissions further and eventually reaching carbon neutral it is likely this 40% will go even lower.

Not only will you help save the planet but going electric is likely to become a wiser and wiser financial choice as the years pass. Gas prices have already exploded after announcements that their use is to be phased out, and further tariffs are expected to be introduced.

Most electric heating systems can also easily be combined with a renewable energy source such as solar panels are air-source heat pumps so if you were to invest in these technologies in the future, your home is primed to incorporate them.

If you want to prepare your home for the future today, installing an award winning German Electric Heating System with Greener Energy Group could be the perfect choice.

At Greener Energy Group we can provide all the advice and expert installation you need, with award winning products and services at your disposal.

To get more information on any of our products call 03335 77 66 99 today, or take our home suitability survey.
