5 reasons to replace your windows this spring


If you are looking to add an extra layer of protection to your home by installing replacement windows in your home, spring is the perfect time to make the change.

Not only will this freshen up your home as part of your annual spring clean, setting you up perfectly for the year to come, there are several practical reasons that make this season ideal for window installation.

5 Benefits to replacing your windows this spring

1. Faster Installation

At The Advanced Group Glasgow, we can install our industry leading windows at any time of year, but spring conditions make the job as fast and painless as possible.

As the clocks go forward there will be more daylight than in previous months, allowing our expert installers a bit more time to get their work done each day.

With our services, you can be confident that all our work is done with the highest possible attention to detail, and spring gives our technicians a few more hours every day to complete the task as efficiently as possible.

Furthermore, weather conditions tend to be more favourable in the Spring (Though there is never any guarantee with Scottish weather!) meaning the whole installation process will be smooth and stress-free as possible with no weather-related delays or complications.

2. Better Security

As we enter spring, many people begin to look forward to their summer holiday, a much deserved chance to get away from the stress of day-to-day life or spend some time with family.

In order to relax and enjoy your time away to the full, it is vital that you have peace of mind that your empty home is secure and well protected against potential intruders.

This makes the spring the perfect opportunity to make a security upgrade to your home in the form of double or triple glazed windows.

Windows are often targeted by burglars in order to gain access to a property and only having single or older double glazed windows is a major security risk.

Most criminals are opportunists who look for properties with limited security measures in place, to have the best chance of getting in and out without detection.

With double glazing you have an additional layer of protection, making them much harder to smash for a criminal.

The additional time it would take to smash your brand new reinforced double or triple glazing means there is a much better chance of an intruder being detected by a neighbour, and most criminals will take one look at your windows and decide to move on elsewhere.

By installing new windows in the spring, you can enjoy your summer break safe in the knowledge that it is extremely unlikely that your property will be the target of theft or property crime.

3. Enjoy the outside

If your old windows get stuck easily or are jammed shut it can be difficult to enjoy the spring weather to the fullest.

Being able to open up your windows and let in some of the wonderful spring air has many health benefits and it crucial to creating that fresh feel that you are looking for.

If you are struggling to open your windows currently, the spring is the perfect time to install some shiny new replacements that can easily be opened and closed depending on the outdoor conditions.

The Scottish weather is notoriously unpredictable and freezing temperature, snow, and wind cannot be discounted even towards the end of the spring.

For this reason, all our windows are not only easily opened but when closed they are also fully draft proof, and A-Rated energy efficient to retain heat and maximise installation in colder temperatures.

4. UV Protection

As temperatures climb and the sun comes out UV rays grow in strength.

Whilst taking precautions such as sun cream application and wearing a hat are instilled into us when leaving the house in hot weather many people falsely believe they are protected by their windows when inside.

Older windows offer very little UV protection whilst modern double and triple glazing comes equipped with a transparent low-E coating that shields the interior from the damaging rays.

Not only will this protect your and your family’s skin, but it will also help reduce fading of furniture, paintings, and other soft furnishings, helping to maintain a fresh and vibrant feel in your home.

5. Save Money

Whilst the initial cost of new windows may be off-putting they are a fantastic spring investment that will help you to save money all year long.

Modern windows are excellent at preventing heat transfer, meaning that they will keep your home nice and cool during the summer, whilst retaining heat during the winter.

This will allow you to save significant amounts of money on heating bills in the colder months, and on fan use and air conditioning during the summer.

Get In Touch

To get more information on spring window installation from an industry leader in double and triple glazing installation in Scotland, call us today on 08000 502 502.
