As we move towards the summer, it is all too easy to push thoughts of our boiler aside, forgetting all about the challenges that arose last winter until temperatures begin to drop once more.

However, the last thing that you need is for winter to roll around and to turn on your thermostat only to discover that your boiler has decided not to come out of hibernation quite yet.

We all take our boilers for granted until they breakdown but keeping an eye out for some of the more subtle signs of your boiler needing repair could save you thousands of pounds in the long-term, prolonging its lifespan, guarding against emergency call outs in the winter months, and maximising energy efficiency.

boiler repair kit

Everyone should have their boiler serviced on an annual basis as a matter of course but many of us do not quite manage to make this happen in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Here are 10 of the most obvious signs that it is time to have your boiler repaired or serviced.

1)    You can’t remember the last time your boiler was checked

If you have no recollection of your boiler having been serviced or checked by a Gas Safe engineer for many years, if ever, there is a very good chance that repairs of some kind will be required.

Annual services pick up minor issues before they escalate and if these haven’t been taking place, then you should have your boiler looked at as a matter of urgency. A serious breakdown could be just around the corner.

2)    Your boiler is leaking

One of the more obvious signs that boiler repair is required. If you spot leaks around your radiators or close to the boiler itself this not only creates a risk of damp but could well be the sign of a bigger issue.

As soon as you see any signs of a leaking boiler, get in touch with a gas safe engineer straight away.

3)    Poor performance

Sometimes the first time you see evidence of a boiler repair being required is in your energy bill. Unfortunately, sky-high energy bills are becoming a bit of a common occurrence for us all in the current climate but if you find that you are using far more energy than you used to in order to meet the heating needs of your home or spending far more than is necessary for a property of your size, it could be a sign of poor energy efficiency from the boiler itself.

Having your boiler repaired will ensure that you don’t end up spending any more than you have to for your energy.

4)    Blocked filters

Over time the filters and air vents in your boiler will fill clog and need to be either cleaned or replaced.

If you find that your filter clogs quicker or more often than it used to, an underlying issue may exist, and you should have it checked as soon as possible.

5)    Clanking sounds

No gas-powered heating system is completely silent but if you are hearing a lot more than the normal noises of operation, it might be time for either a boiler repair or replacement.

A hissing sound, for example, can be an indication that a deposit has begun to accumulate and if this goes untackled, a complete breakdown may not be far away.

6)    Inconsistent heat

If some parts of your home heat up perfectly, whilst others remain cool, part of your heating system is clearly not operating correctly.

Whether this is the boiler itself or something else will need to be investigated by an engineer.

7)    Your boiler is old

If you can’t remember your boiler being installed or know that it was installed well over 10 years ago, the time may well be coming where it needs to be replaced. You may be able to keep it going for a time through boiler repair but the time will come when a new combi boiler is the only real option.

boiler ignition

8)    Gas leaks

You should have a carbon monoxide detector installed close to your boiler to check for any dangerous gases that may be escaping. If this goes off, or you smell gas, immediately turn off the unit and call an emergency engineer.

9)    Corrosion

If your boiler has started to corrode, this is only going to get worse over time if you don’t have it treated, repaired, or replaced. This should be done as soon as possible as leaks and a loss of efficiency won’t be too far away.

10) General checks

If is always worth having your boiler serviced on an annual basis even if none of the signs above have yet reared their head.

This service will detect any minor boiler repairs that are required and allow you to take action before they escalate.

For more information on boiler repair or replacement services, visit today.
